FFL 012: My Top Ten Productivity Tips That Will Turn You Into A Superstar


In episode number twelve of The Fuel For Life Podcast, I talk about my top ten productivity tips that will turn you into a super star. Very often people ask me the same question: How do I get so much stuff done. This episode outlines my exact strategy behind my productivity. I hope and pray that what you are about to hear will add value to your life.

In this episode, I talk about my top ten productivity tips. Take a listen to find out what they are.

I also introduce a contest where I am giving out two $20 Amazon gift cards. Click here to find out how you can enter and win.

Also, I will send a brand new physical signed copy of my brand new book Forward to the first person that leaves a rating and a review of The Fuel For Life Podcast on iTunes and emails me at bogdan@bogdankipko.com telling me what the seventh productivity tip was on this podcast.

Who will be the winner of the $20 Amazon gift cards or the book Forward? 

If you found this podcast helpful, please share it with your social network. 

Question: What other productivity tips would you also add? 


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